Climate Changes Everything
Climate changes everything, often in unexpected ways. I’ll unpack those changes — from life basics like energy and water to business, technology, culture, geopolitics, travel, transportation, and the built environment — and look for the “thrive” in each change. Sustainability; resilience; diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice; and (often surprising) challenges and opportunities. Whether you are a seasoned Climate Champion or just ”climate-curious,” I look forward to exploring our transforming world together.
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Is natural gas actually more climate-friendly than coal? The data is not at all conclusive and that's a huge part of the problem, along with economic and regulatory incentives and a world full of infrastructure. Problems are opportunities, too -- for innovation, entrepeneurship, and advocacy. Join us as we drill deep!
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Climate Changes Everything, Episode 8: Ancient Solar Energy, Part4
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Fracking and horizontal drilling: natural gas's Wonder Twin Powers, most definitely activated. But good, bad, ugly, or maybe some combination of each? In this episode, we celebrate big positives like boosts to economic prosperity and renewable energy integration but also big negatives like water contamination, earthquakes, and methane leaks. And some big opportunities for innovation and entrepeneurship. Join us!
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Climate Changes Everything, Episode 7: Ancient Solar Energy - Part Three
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
"Wonder Twin powers, activate! Form of ... hydraulic fracturing! Shape of ... horizontal drilling!" Join us as we continue our broad and deep exploration of climate-pivotal natural gas, focused on the world-changing Wonder Twins (or Evil Twins or both?) of fracking and horizontal drilling. Cartoon crime-fighters aside, it all starts, believe it or not, in the midst of one of the bloodiest battles of the American Civil War ...
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Climate Changes Everything, Episode 6: Ancient Solar Energy - Part Two
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Natural gas is relatively new to the electricity game but has quickly emerged as both the “swing vote” in the race to decarbonize electricity and as a high-impact, multi-position player in the power system. In this episode of Climate Changes Everything, we'll learn how gas is a relatively simple form of energy but that’s pretty much the only simple thing about it!
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Climate Changes Everything, Episode 5: Ancient Solar Energy - Part One
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
White hats (hooray!), black hats (boo!), and grey hats (well ...) and a lot of strong bug spray. Join us as we dig into coal and coal-fired power generation, from coal's formation 200-300 million years ago to its pivotal role in economic development and from its grim environmental past and present to interesting opportunities for clean innovation post-coal. It's an incredible, climate-pivotal journey!
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Climate Changes Everything, Episode 4: So Many Hats
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Put it on t-shirts, on coffee mugs, on billboards and bumper stickers: electricity is the pivot for climate change ... and the hero, villain, anti-hero, and even anti-villain of the climate change story, both yesterday, today, and into the future. Curious? Intrigued? Join us for the latest episode of Climate Changes Everything!
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Climate Changes Everything, Episode 3: Hitting The Gas
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Like the iocane powder that finished-off the otherwise immortal Vizzini in The Princess Bride, greenhouse gases are odorless, tasteless, invisible, and one of the most deadly poisons known to climate equilibrium. (Yes, I paraphrased the last part!) And full of nuance that it is both fascinating and vital to understanding and action. Let's dive in!
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Climate Changes Everything, Episode 2: Playing With Fire
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Energy is the origin story of climate change and compromise is the story of energy. That story starts with a campfire about one million years ago. Don't worry, I brought marshmallows.
Lincoln BLEVEANS (he|him)
Lincoln Bleveans has been an executive in the global energy industry for nearly 30 years, focused on electric power and sustainability, from start-ups and emerging technologies to independent power project development to utilities and 24/7 operations. He currently leads Stanford University’s mission-critical operations and world-leading innovation in sustainability and resilience, energy and water, civil infrastructure, building energy management, and waste management. He is a frequent speaker and writer on these topics and is also active as a mentor and board member for technology start-ups in North America, Europe, and India.